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Outreach Video Competition

We have decided to exploit the full potential of the online format this year and launch a virtual outreach competition! Ready to challenge yourself?

To participate, we ask you to submit a brief video about your favorite cosmology topic, or your research, by posting it on either TikTok, YouTube or just sending it to us in a compatible format (mp4). Videos will be shown on the conference website for all participants to see them and vote. The best videos will be chosen by the end of the conference. You can find more information at this link on the Cosmo21 website.

We will upload videos as we receive them, so the earlier you send it, the more views your video will get!

Check out the uploaded videos here:

Accepted Video Formats

You can post your video in one of two formats:

  •  a 1 minute video to present a fascinating topic in cosmology. Which topic stirs your curiosity? Did you become a cosmologist to solve an open problem in cosmology? Tell us more about it in a video!
  •  a 3 minute video to present your research. It can be your current work, your thesis or a project you worked on in the past. You have 120 extra seconds here so you can explain more about the goals and outcomes of your research. But remember to keep it accessible to the general public!


Some general advice for videos:

  •  Prepare your speech. What problem are you trying to solve? What is the main message you want to convey?
  • Keep it simple: Not everyone is an expert in your field, create a video that is accessible to a general public audience. Do not use technical terms or jargon.
  • You are welcome to use images and slides, just make sure you have the permission to use them. As a general rule, you have (probably) permission to use the images you created, and many images are in the public domain or under Creative Commons license (look at the NASA website, or wikimedia commons). Finally, give credit where credit is due!
  • Please respect the time limits.  Videos exceeding the time limit will not be accepted.
  • Think of a captivating title: surprise us!


Click here to submit your video!

Follow us to see all videos on our YouTube channel or on TikTok !


*Privacy notice: the act of sending the link authorizes us to post a link to your video on the conference website and repost your video in the conference social media accounts. If you send us a video file this also allows us to post your video on the Cosmo21 conference social media accounts. Please refer to the privacy notice on the website for further information on how your data will be handled.