- When you login into the campus cluster, you are in the “login” node. This login node should not be used to run memory-intensive programs (jobs). You should be able to run a small, less-memory-intensive program without any problem.
- What happens if you run a program that consumes a lot of memory in the login node?
- It will automatically be killed.
- Also, you should not be running multiple programs simultaneously on the login node. If you do so, they will all be killed automatically as well.
- To run a program that consumes a large amount of memory but for a short amount of time, you can use “interactive” jobs. You can open an interactive job like this:
"srun --partition=caps --time=03:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=16 --pty /bin/bash"
- If you do not want to remember this, you can set an environment variable in .bashrc as
alias openintbash='srun --partition=caps --time=03:00:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=16 --pty /bin/bash'
- Now all you must do is to type “openintbash” to open an interactive job.
- For other programs that will be run for a long time, you should submit jobs. Templates can be found in campuscluster documentation. You could also ask Srini (srinirag@illinois.edu) for some example scripts.
- Resource usage:
- Please try not to submit jobs that run for more than a day.
- You can run 40 jobs at a time. But be careful about the computing resources before submitting random jobs.
- Important:
- Please note that 40 jobs does not imply core limit.
- Please do not grab a lot of resources for more than a day. It is fine to grab maybe 60% of the resources for ~3 days.
- Disk usage: /projects/caps has a lot of storage. Your home directory has a limit of 5 GB. But note that if your scripts outputs any files and your home directory has more than 5 GB, then your script will fail. Type “quota” to see your storage.
- Some useful environment variables to set in .bashrc:
alias sq='squeue --format="%.18i %.9P %.50j %.8u %.8T %.10M %.9l %.6D %R" -u [your_user_name]' #to show your queue
alias capsstatus='sinfo --partition caps -N' ##to show the available CAPS nodes.