The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a USA-led international project, funded by the NSF and DOE, which has mapped large portions of the sky at optical wavelengths, surveying everything from galaxies to supernovae. The project is helping researchers explore the accelerating expansion of the universe. The DES is producing the most extensive and accurate dark matter map.
CAPS Work on the Dark Energy Survey Project:
DES Data Management at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) processes and calibrates data from DES, while DES Labs at NCSA develops tools to aid in interacting with and visualizing the data.
CAPS Personnel Holding Leadership Roles on the DES Project:
Xin Liu: Member of the Science Committee; Co-Coordinator of the Galaxy Evolution & Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSO) Working Group
Don Petravick: Member of the Management Committee, overseeing the Collaboration Meeting Steering Committee
Paul Ricker: Member of the Management Committee, overseeing the External Collaborators Committee
Current CAPS Personnel on the Dark Energy Survey Project:
Xin Liu (CAPS affiliated faculty)
Don Petravick (CAPS Senior Project Manager)
Paul Ricker (CAPS affiliated faculty)
Joaquin Vieira (CAPS Director)
Photos from the Project: